Oct 2023 - Oct 2024

Year in Review

An overview of the past 12 months of activity on Twitter’s Open Source projects.

This webpage updates weekly and provides a sliding window into the previous 12 months. Patches are always welcome.

Top 10 repos

These are our top 10 GitHub repositories, ranked by total commit counts.

Total commits
1 finagle 6781
2 scalding 4148
3 util 2533
4 twitter-text 2277
5 finatra 1950
6 summingbird 1792
7 commons 1656
8 algebird 1505
9 scrooge 1465
10 elephant-bird 1374


Our contributors are located all around the world. This list is based on self reported locations from our contributors’ GitHub profiles.

United States flag United States
Greece flag Greece
Germany flag Germany
United Kingdom flag United Kingdom
Singapore flag Singapore
China flag China
Belgium flag Belgium
Austria flag Austria
Peru flag Peru
Australia flag Australia

*Top 10 locations ranked by commits, accurate as of Aug 2019

Heat metrics

Heat means work. We measure heat by the number and frequency of commits and committers across our repos.

141k commits
Commits reflect the amount of activity across our repositories.
416 committers
Committers are the unique individuals that drive change in our repositories.

Light metrics

Light means visibility. We measure visibility by number of watchers subscribed to updates, and number of people who have favorited our projects.

7141 watchers
Watchers receive notifications for some or all changes to our codebases.
135k stars
Stars show preference for a repository, like a bookmark.

Love metrics

Love means culture and support. We measure love by the number of users who have copied our projects and contributed changes back upstream.

66k forks
Forks represent full-copies of our repositories, usually for development and testing.
2427 PRs merged
Our users contribute pull requests (PRs) directly back to us.


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